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Study in Switzerland - Explore Your Options

Study in Switzerland

If greatness of a country is to be measured by its size, Switzerland cannot claim to be great. It is only one fifth of Karnataka in area, and one-fourth of Kerala in population. It is a mountainous country with the Alps covering around 60% of its area. The charming Glacier Express that passes through scenic glaciers is a renowned tourist attraction.

Switzerland of distinction on several is a country fronts including scientific research. Over two-thirds of population lives in urban areas. Zurich is the largest city, though Berne is the capital. There are four national languages-German, French, Italian, and Romansh. Certain master’s degree programs are held fully in English.


Education System :

Twelve doctoral/research universities (out of which 2 are Federal Institutes of Technology) offer theoretically oriented, scientific bachelor, master, and doctoral degrees. Nine universities of applied sciences, out of which 7 are public funded and 2 are private - offer professionally oriented studies. There are 14 universities of teacher education. 

Entry Qualification for Bachelor's Program is a Swiss maturity certificate or our 12th Standard certificate would be adequate.

Some institutes might have their own entrance exams like University of St. Gallen and not more than 25% international students are admitted.



There are nine public-funded universities of applied sciences (UAS), out of which seven are public-funded and the remaining two are in the private sector Each UAS operates at a different campus.

(1) Berne University of Applied Sciences (BFH)

(2) University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)

(3) University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland (FHO)

(4) Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU)

(5) University of Applied Sciences of Zurich (ZFH)

(6) Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences Switzerland ( KAL)

(7) University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland (SUPS')

(8) University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO)

(9) University of Applied Sciences Les Roches Gruyere


Areas of Focus

The following are the areas of focus in various UAS:

* Engineering and IT in all UAS, except KAL and Les Roches Gruyere

• Architecture, Building Engineering and Planning in all LIAS, except KAL Gru and Les Roches yere

• Agriculture and FOTeStry at BFH and HES-SO 

• Chemistry and Life Sciences at all UAS, except FHO, SUPSI and HSLU, KAL and Les Roches Gruyere

• Design at all UAS, except FHO, KAL and Les Roches Gruyere

• Social Work at all UAS, except KAL and Les Roches Gruyere

• Health at all UAS, except HSLU and FHNW, KAL and Les Roches Gruyere

• Business, Management and Services at all UAS • Applied Psychology at ZFH and FHNW 
• Applied Linguistics at ZFH only

• Sports at BFH only • Teacher Education at ZFH, FHNW, and SUPSI

• Theatre Arts at ZFH, BFH, and SUPSI

• Music at all UAS, except FHO, KAL and Les Roches Gruyere 
• Fine Arts at all UAS, except FHO, KAL, and Les Roches Gruyere 

Since education in UAS has a stress on practical application, almost all the students find employment in their professional field soon after graduation. Moreover, a UAS degree serves as an entry qualification for higher studies in universities. There are certain schools of hotel (hospitality) management of repute in Switzerland. The related details may be gathered separately.

The annual tuition fee would be from CHF 1500 to 2000, except in University of Italian Switzerland, where it is CHF 8000. The Living expenses may be from CHF 18000 to 28000 per year. 

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